Hippasus Publishing started its operation in 2011 in Nicosia, Cyprus. Until recently, our publishing house was active exclusively in the field of publishing scientific books, mainly in the field of legal sciences under the brand name Hippasus Law Publications.

Since 2019, we have broadened our horizons and proceeded to publish theatrical works under our new brand name Hippasus Theater, to publish historical topics under the brand name Hippasus History and to publish studies under the brand name Hippasus Meletes. Our goal in the immediate future is to further expand the subject matter of the publications and books we publish.

Our name comes from the ancient mathematician Hippasos, who according to a tradition revealed secrets of the Pythagorean philosophy and was killed by the Pythagoreans for that. It symbolizes our obsession with the dissemination of scientific knowledge.

Our purpose is to provide, to the best of our ability, the opportunity for established writers and scientists, but also the opportunity for young scientists and writers, to project, highlight and spread their knowledge. We aim at the same time with our presence and support to authors, scholars and researchers to develop the writing of research books and studies.

Our ambition is to continue to contribute to the production of books and writings of excellent content, quality and aesthetics in order to promote science, art and culture.